Third Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
Thank you to those who have contributed to our tissue supply so far! As I mentioned, many students have been sick recently and continue to have the remnants of those colds (including myself!).
Report cards will go home with students today with lots of information. Please go over these grades with your child. Since they are a little older now, it’s important that they see a correlation between their effort and the grades they earn.
Here are some dates to plan for:
- Friday, Nov 15 – T1 Report Cards Distributed
- Tuesday, Nov 19 – Free Dress for November B-days
- Wednesday, Nov 20 – Noon Dismissal / Professional Development Day
- Thursday, Nov 21 – National Catholic School Principal Appreciation Day
- Mon-Fri, Nov 25-29 – Thanksgiving Break – NO SCHOOL/ No Share and Care
Please be sure to read the SPN Weekly Newsletter every Tuesday to keep up with school info and events!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Costy