Second Grade Update – Week of 9/30

Dear Second Grade Families,

Happy Friday!

This week, we were welcomed back to the Alameda Free Library! Students learned where to find specific types of books and were given a behind-the-scenes look at what happens after books go through those slots! Ms. Andie treated students to a book look AND a book check out! Students will need to return their book to one of the Alameda Library locations by the due date (there is a receipt inside their book and they brought it home today). 🙂 Next week, students will brainstorm what they learned or were most grateful for about the trip, and we will be writing gratitude letters to Ms. Andie! Thank you to Mrs. Perez and Ms. Richards for joining us – you were wonderful chaperones! 🙂

Our garden is complete! A picture is attached and your children made it a beautiful display of family (past and present), traditions, important places, and those who are very special to us in our community! I am so appreciative of their thoughtful, careful work!

One other highlight was our marble jar celebration! The class earns marbles for making wise choices that help to create a great community (participating in learning discussions, raising quiet hands, setting a good example for others on the yard when we line up, showing kindness, being reverent at Mass, etc.). Since they filled up the jar (YAY!) they earned a park trip AND a popsicle! 🙂 Go Second Grade!

Focus Areas for Our Learning Next Week:

  • Reading – 
    • In reading groups, students will complete our SUPER magazine and identify several things they learned and enjoyed about the articles they read.
    • At night, students should read aloud to practice fluent reading skills. Please encourage your child to observe punctuation, read at a good pace, and read the words as they appear in the text (no deletions or substitutions).
  • Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students will decode and encode ‘le words and practice identifying nouns and verbs. They will also practice with short-vowel and long-vowel patterns CVC, CV, and CVCe. Students should practice their spelling words for homework so they are prepared for the quiz on Friday.
  • Writing – Students will draft a letter to Ms. Andie to express their gratitude for our field trip. We will learn the different parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing, signature), edit for accurate punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, and then address an envelope. We will mail these to Ms. Andie! 🙂
  • Math – Students practice solving word problems using different strategies. At this point, students have the opportunity to practice their math facts most days in class. Consistent practice is very important to develop fluency – we are working on knowing the answer within 3 seconds for both addition and subtraction facts by the end of the year.
  • Religion – We will continue our chapter about the Holy Trinity – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As always, we focus on how to model our own behavior after Jesus’s teachings and example. 
  • Science – This week, we will explore types of changes to the Earth’s surface (both slow and fast) and connect the specific idea of erosion to our river exploration. 
  • Social Studies – The class will make observations about the differences and similarities between different types of communities – urban, suburban, and rural.

Other Updates for this Week:

  • Enrichment Newsletter! – Click to see some of the great things happening in our enrichment classes! 🙂
  • Daily Screening – Please continue to do the daily screening. Your diligence is important and appreciated.
  • Dates to Remember:
    • Saturday, Sep 28 – 8th Grade Car Wash Fundraiser!
    • Friday, Oct 4 – Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Prayer Service Blessing of the Animals, 8:00 a.m.
    • Friday, Oct 4 – Progress Reports
    • Sunday, Oct 6 – Family Mass, 9:00 a.m., hosted by grades 7-8
    • Oct 8-11 – Noon Dismissal, Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
    • Monday, Oct 14 – NO SCHOOL: Indigenous Peoples Day
    • Tuesday, Oct 15 – Free Dress Oct B-Days!
    • Thursday, Oct 31 – Noon Dismissal; Halloween Parade 8:15 a.m.

We look forward to seeing our students on Monday! 

All the best,

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