Second Grade Update – Week of 6/3

Dear Second Grade Families, 

Happy Friday! 

First things first – Money and Food Drive!Right now we have about 8 second grade families who’ve contributed! Please support your child by making a donation (large or small). They can go around your neighborhood, ask family friends, run a lemonade stand over the weekend, etc. Second grade is leading this initiative and should be the example with 100% participation. This is an important effort in supporting our community – they are exemplifying Jesus as they put effort into serving those in need. Thank you so much for your support!

Ending the Year:
It is hard to believe it is almost the end of the year! To me, this is bittersweet. It is hard not to tear up thinking about them leaving second grade. BUT, we still get next week! See below for a few details:

Thursday – Students will enjoy a nice party hosted by our room parents! Students will also need a STURDY reusable grocery bag along with their backpacks to take home all of their school belongings.

Friday – Students may wear NICE free dress for the last day of school. Students will have the opportunity to meet Mrs. Costy and find out a little about third grade. 🙂 We will then gather in the church for the Moving Up ceremony – please join us if you can! After the ceremony, students will go back to their classrooms, gather any remaining belongings, and go out to the yard for our final flag ceremony where the SLC will bring down the flag to commemorate the closing of our school year. At that time, we will dismiss students to their families. 🙂

**Next week, Mrs. Costy is sending home a summer reading packet. It will be in your child’s backpack. 🙂 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and Mrs. Serles look forward to seeing our students on Monday!

All the best,

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