Second Grade Update – Week of 1/27

Dear Second Grade Families, 

Happy Friday!

This week, groups presented their continent projects! There is always a lot to learn when presenting. How do we move and share space? How loud do we need our voices to be? How do we start and end the presentation? So many things to think about! We used the opportunity to learn from each other and develop awareness about presenting skills in a safe space. After each presentation, groups had their picture taken! (attached) 🙂

Thank you again to our art docents who continue to bring beautiful projects to the second grade classroom and tap into students’ creativity!Next week, we celebrate Catholic schools! There are many events throughout the week celebrating our students, our faith, our community and families, and excellence! On Sunday, the 26th, please join us for Mass at 9am and Open House to follow! I look forward to seeing you and sharing our classroom. You are also invited to visit other classrooms as well. 🙂 Please note that students should always be with a parent while at Open House.

Focus Areas for Our Learning Next Week:

  • Reading – 
    • In reading groups, students will start our new book clubs. We will dive into more challenging fiction texts, talk about genre, and identify the main characters and setting of stories.
    • At night, students should read aloud to practice fluent reading skills. Please encourage your child to observe punctuation, read at a good pace, and read the words as they appear in the text (no deletions or substitutions).
  • Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students practice with words ending in -tion/shǝn/ and -ture/chėr/ (ex. association, adventure). They will also distinguish between ea/ē/ and ea/ě/ (ex. read vs. bread). They should practice their spelling words for homework so they are prepared for the quiz on Friday.
  • Writing – Students will write a thoughtful letter of gratitude, practicing the five parts of a letter, editing their work, and writing neatly.
  • Math – As part of measurement, the class will develop ways of conceptualizing proportions and using fractions. Students will continue practicing strategies for subtraction of 3-digit numbers when regrouping is required.
  • Religion – We will finish our chapter introducing the sacraments and focus on the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. We will also start Family Life, and I will send  information about this curriculum home next week.
  • Social Studies – Students will start our unit on discovering our past. We will touch upon our history as a nation, including Native Americans who first lived on the land, explorers who came, and pioneers who created new communities. Conversations will be age appropriate, but we will also address that injustice is also part of our nation’s history and that changemakers were needed then AND now to ensure we always uphold justice, equality, and liberty.
  • Science – Students will review the scientific process as a way to explore a question. Then we get to visit the middle school science fair to see this process brought to life!

Other Updates for this Week:

  • St. Valentine’s Day – If they would like to, students may bring in valentines to exchange, but please do not put specific names on individual cards (it takes too long to pass them out). They should bring in their valentines on Friday, February 14th.
  • Baby Wipes – Thank you to everyone who donated wipes for our class!!!
  • AR Reading – Many students are reading more challenging books these days. I am encouraging all students to use their AR book for their homework reading time (15 minutes each afternoon/evening). This means they can bring their AR book back and forth to school. As soon as students finish reading at home, they should put their book right back in their backpack each evening.
  • Dates to Remember:
    • Sunday, Jan. 26 – Catholic Schools Week kick-off with All School Mass, 9:00 am at SPN; Open House immediately following Mass, 10:00-11:30
    • Friday, Jan. 31 – Noon dismissal; No Share and Care; Teacher Appreciation Day
    • Saturday, Feb. 1 – SPN Crab Feed (Athletic Fundraiser)
    • Friday, Feb. 14 – St. Valentine’s Day, Noon Dismissal
    • Monday, Feb. 17 – No School, Presidents’ Day
    • Tuesday, Feb. 18 – Free Dress February B-Days
    • Friday, Feb. 28 – End of Trimester 2

We look forward to seeing our students on Monday!

All the best,

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