Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 6/3

Last Day

I’m a little bit excited. I’m a little bit sad. I’m a little bit nervous. I’m a little bit glad. I’m a little bit older. It’s the end of the year. I will miss this class. I’m glad that I was here. – Amy Ludwig VanDerwater

Dear preschool families,

I love this poem because it sums up how we are all feeling in the classroom.

This past week we have had fun with art, water play and preparing for Monday’s celebration. We have had “Community Meetings” daily to help us process the upcoming changes. We also discussed the importance of safe water play. I have attached a link on summer water safety.

Please return all SPN/Preschool clothing and mat sheets if you have them at home. We will collect sheets today after rest time for those who have them.

We will not be napping next week. We will have quiet, indoor, play time. No nap rolls or blankets are needed.

The “End of Year Celebration” will be on June 3rd at 9:30am. The side gate will be open for parents/caregivers to come in and find a seat. Our celebration will be around 20 to 30 minutes long. The children wear their school uniform for the event. Please email me if you have any questions. We will give parents 10 minutes after the program for pictures. Thank you.

On behalf of Miss Rosie and myself, we would like to thank for sharing your child with us this year. It has been a joy to watch and guide their development. They should be proud of themselves!

Have a great summer!

Blessings, Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie


School hours 8:00am – 2:30pm

Extended care until 6:00pm

Potty Training Policy

Preschool Handbook 2023-2024

Health, Safety and Well Being

Sick Child Guidelines

Extreme Heat Precaution


  • June 3rd – “Preschool End of Year Celebration” @ 9:30am in the preschool yard. Parents/Caregiver welcome
  • June 3rd – Preschool Pizza Party @ 11:30am students only
  • June 6th – Noon Dismissal – No afternoon preschool care. No Share & Care

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