Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 2/10
Prayer to St. Valentine
Dear Saint and glorious martyr, Teach us to love unselfishly and to find great joy in giving. Enable all true lovers to bring out the best in God and in each other.
Dear parents,
I am happy to say that the “battle of the cold virus” has worked its way out of the classroom. Miss Rosie and I look forward to having our full class back on Monday.
This coming week we will have a “Maker Space” class with Miss Kristen, Garden class and Valentine’s Day bag decorating. The class will continue their exploration on Health and Fitness. This week the children ran an obstacle course in O’Brian and tested their gross motor skills! Well done little Spartans!
Your child is welcome to bring Valentine’s Day cards on Friday 2/14. We ask that your child write their name on each card. Please do not send sweets. Thank you.
Have a restful weekend!
Peace, Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie
School hours 8:00am – 2:30pm Extended care until 6:00pm
Health, Safety and Well Being
Sick Child Guidelines
- Friday, Feb 14 – Valentine’s Day free dress, red, pink, white. Regular preschool hours. Noon Dismissal
- Monday, Feb 17 – NO SCHOOL, President’s Day
- Tuesday, Feb 18 – February birthday free dress
- Friday, Feb 28 – End of 2nd Trimester
Please make sure to read our SPN Weekly Newsletter to keep up with school information and events!