Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 12/9

“Dear Jesus, you entered our world on Christmas as the Prince of Peace. This Advent, as we strive to become the-best-version-of-ourselves, fill us with a deep and abiding peace” Amen

Hello preschool families,

Wow! What an interesting week. Your children did a great job during our “live” tsunami drill and confidently evacuated to the 2nd floor library. Today we were blessed with the “Friday Adoration” which gave us all a time to reflect and quietly be in the presence of God. We ended our day with the story of St. Nicholas and found a treat in our shoes after rest time!

This coming week we will continue our exploration of indoor and outdoor winter sights and sounds. The preschoolers have a class in the Maker Space and will attend, All School Mass, on Monday.

It is a tradition in the Preschool that the teachers host a “Mac and Cheese” lunch celebration. This year we are hosting this event on Dec. 19th during our regular scheduled lunch period. A flyer will go out in next week with details.

We are happy to announce that when we return from our Christmas break, Quinn and Santi will be joining our class!


Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie


School hours 8:00am – 2:30pm Extended care until 6:00pm

Potty Training Policy

Health, Safety and Well Being

Sick Child Guidelines

Extreme Heat Precaution


  • Nov. 18th – Dec. 13th – Adopt-a-Family – Preschool through Grade 7, please select an item to donate from this list (i.e. you will purchase directly and your gift will be sent to Alameda Warming Shelter):
  • Dec. 9th – All School Mass
  • Dec. 10th – Free Dress for December Birthdays
  • Dec. 19th – Preschool Mac & Cheese Lunch
  • Dec. 19th – Christmas Concert – Preschool does not participate
  • Dec. 20th – Noon Dismissal – NO AFTERNOON PRESCHOOL CARE
  • Dec. 21st-Jan. 5th – CHRISTMAS BREAK – NO SCHOOL

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