Preschool Weekly Update – Week of 11/11
Dear Lord, Today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best when they were called upon to serve and protect their country. We pray that you will bless them for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us.
Hello preschool parents,
Our preschool’s service learning project was announced at the morning assembly. The “Socks for Veterans” wagon is in the main school lobby. We will be collecting NEW socks for women and men who have served in our country. The preschoolers watched a video explaining why and who we honor on Veteran’s Day.
We had a fun week learning the different modes of transportation this week and will continue our “On the Go” projects this coming week.
Our preschool class is at 50% for the Annual Fund Drive. Although this fundraiser is voluntary if we have 100% participation the preschool class will earn a pizza party and free dress! Please consider asking family or friends to donate. Here is the link: Thank you!
Enjoy the three day weekend!
Peace, Ms. Grace and Miss Rosie
School hours 8:00am – 2:30pm Extended care until 6:00pm
Health, Safety and Well Being
Sick Child Guidelines
- Nov. 8th – End of First Trimester
- Nov. 11th – Veterans Day Observed
- Nov. 15th – Report Cards go home
- Nov. 15th – Minions and Friends Spirit Day
- Nov. 19th – Free Dress for Nov. birthdays
- Nov. 20th – Noon Dismissal/Teacher Professional Development – Regular preschool hours
- Nov. 21st – National Catholic Principal Appreciation Day
Please make sure to read our SPN Weekly Newsletter to keep up with school information and events!