Kindergarten Update

Dear Parents, May 13,2022

We would like to call  your attention to a special ceremony which takes place at the end of each school year honoring our eighth grade graduates.

The Ribbon Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 31st at 1PM.  Traditionally, the 8th Grade class and Kindergarten are buddies and spend time together throughout the year on special days and at All School Masses.  This special ceremony is our way of sending off our 8th Graders. Parents of Kindergarten students are invited to this event.  It will be held at the Church.   You will not be able to sit with your child as they will be in a separate area for the ceremony and will return to the classroom immediately following the ceremony.  Pews will be marked off for you to sit in, please follow church signage. 

Samantha R. is our SuperKid next week. Thanks to Rory for sharing his things.

                                 What’s Happening in Class?

ELA/ SuperKids/Reading Groups- Finish Unit 23 SuperKids- Begin Unit 24- Identify upper and lowercase Zz, associate sound of z. Blend sounds to decode words, use correct spacing, capitalization, punctuation in sentences, follow oral directions,spell memory word “was”, encode words with plural -s, distinguish between singular and plural nouns,identify title of a story, identify captions, use prior knowledge,answer questions about a story, associate pictures with sentences, recall details

Math.-Reviewing Kindergarten Skills

Interactive Notebook- Reading and Writing to 10

            Making a Bar Graph

Science- Force and Motion( Push and Pull)

Social Studies- The Eagle,The Lincoln Memorial

Religion– “The Good Neighbor”

                 Second Step- Feeling happy/mad


                                           Looking Ahead

Tuesday, May 17th – Free dress for May birthdays

Thursday, May 26th – St. Philip Neri Feast Day

Friday, May 27th – SPN Olympics!  Kindergarteners wear GRAY!  Noon dismissal

                              Kindergarten Saints Project due-(via email or brought to school)

Monday, May 30th- No School Memorial Day Holiday

Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Halkias and Mrs. Hall

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