First Grade Weekly Update September 9th-13th

Weekly Syllabus: September 9th-13th, 2024


Tuesday, September 10th is picture day!

No School on Friday, September 13th-Faculty and Staff will be attending Professional Development with the elementary schools in the Diocese of Oakland.


We are learning about the parts of the mass and what each part means.

Language Arts

Review Unit

Word Work: Letter and letter sounds in addition to writing the letters for: Qu, Jj, Xx, Yy, and Zz, associate ck with the k sound, work on all short vowel sounds, use and understand verbs and plural s, and use beginning capitalization and end marks in sentences.

Reading: Read and discuss grade level literary text, listen to grade level informational text, determine the meaning of key vocabulary words, practice reading fluently.

Memory Words: for, you, like, to, of, and no

Writing: Write verbs to complete sentences, write different types of sentences (declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative), and use adjectives and prepositional phases to add details to sentences.

Author Study: Tomi dePaola


Number Corner for September: The workouts in the first month of school focus on counting and recognizing numbers from 0-30, with a special emphasis on understanding that teen numbers are made of 1 ten and some more. Students will use a variety of models this month that will help them work in groups of 2, 5, and 10. Students review the concept of unitizing; that is, thinking of 10 items as a single unit called a ten.

Bridges: we will be focusing on Module 2- working with the Number Rack. The five sessions in this module are designed to solidify students’ number sense to 10 and provide early work with facts to 10. Students explore number combinations for 5 and 10 in contexts that help them become familiar with fact families and also elicit higher forms of mathematical thinking The models support students to visualize numbers, number relationships, and number combinations. They also promote development of strategies that will eventually lead to mastery of basic addition and subtraction facts.

Social Studies

We will continue with Being Good Citizens in our homes, schools, and communities.

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