First Grade Weekly Update December 9th-13th
Weekly Syllabus: December 9th-13th, 2024
Tuesday, December 10th is December Birthday Free Dress.
Sunday, December 8th is the Second Sunday of Advent. We light the second purple candle which represents peace and preparation. It is called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. We also reflect on our lives and work on becoming better-versions-of-ourselves in preparation for Jesus’ coming.
We continue with Advent. The Second Sunday of Advent focuses on Peace.
Language Arts
Unit 6 Lessons 6-10
Word Work: Identify short and long vowel sounds, decode CVCe words, read a decodable story, decode difficult words from an informational text, and read and spell memory words (said, only, you, out, of, and here)
Spelling words: game, same, ride, side, said, only, you, out, of, and here
Reading: Read dialogue with expression, read and discuss grade level literary text, listen to and read informational text, read and discuss grade level informational text, make predictions, understand author’s purpose, discuss picture-text relationships, understand and use the suffixes -ness and less
Writing: Informational Paragraph
Author Study: Jan Brett
Number Corner
The workouts for December continue to focus on many of the concepts introduced in November. Students complete their collection of 24 hours and learn how each day is divided into two equal parts, a.m. and p.m. They expand their exploration of doubles and halves to include numbers to 20 and become even more familiar with counting patterns as they work with the fifties and sixties and place value. The Calendar Grid features familiar items and a growing pattern of three-dimensional shapes such as cylinders, spheres, cubes, and rectangular prisms.
The focus for Bridges Unit 3 Module 2: In Module 2, the focus is again on addition and subtraction facts. The number rack is used to help students recognize number combinations (primarily to 10), subitize (recognize subsets within a given quantity), find the sum of two numbers, and compare two numbers to find the difference between them. This module introduces two Work Place activities, each designed to develop student confidence with number combinations in the range of 0 to 10. Session 4 provides a short written checkpoint assessment.