First Grade Weekly Update August 26th-30th

Weekly Syllabus: August 26th-30th, 2024


We had a wonderful first week of school!!! We played some games and got to know one another and worked on some reading, writing, and math. Next week continues to be a 1:00 dismissal except for Friday, August 30th which will be a noon dismissal. Next week we will begin our normal routines and procedures.

The first couple of weeks of school are mostly review. I will be sending homework home on Monday, August 26th and it will be due that same week on Friday, August 30th in the homework folder.


We will begin with Chapter 1 The Bible. Students will explore God’s Word to us, discover what the Bible tells us about God, discover that the Bible helps us follow Jesus, explore ways to be a faithful and loyal follower of Jesus, and reflect and pray with Scripture.

Language Arts-Review Unit

Work Work

Handwriting and phonics Dd/d/, Cc/k/, Gg/g/, Oo/o/,Ll/l/, Ss/s/, Tt/t/, Aa/a/,Ff/f/, Ww/w/, Nn/n/, Ii/i/, Mm/m/, Pp/p/Vv/v/, Kk/k/, Uu/u/


Develop fluent reading with repeated reading of a story, use beginning and ending capitalization when reading, understand and use singular and plural nouns, retell key details of a literary text, understand characters, describe and compare characters, connect ideas: compare and contrast, understand events, recognize problem and solution, know the meaning of vocabulary words (cabin, proud, loose, tied, hollers, ranger, lend a had, blast, set, vet, mend, and clinic), and know Words to Know (adventures)
Writing Drawing and labeling self portraits, drawing and labeling a picture of something important in their life, using temporary inventive spelling, reviewing types of sentences, and adding nouns to complete sentences.
August/September Author Study : Each month in First Grade we focus on one Author. Our Author for August/September is Tomi dePaola. Thomas Anthony “Tomie” dePaola was an American writer and illustrator who created more than 260 children’s books, such as Strega Nona. He received the Children’s Literature Legacy Award for his lifetime contribution to American children’s literature in 2011.


September Number Corner: (we will begin this in September) The workouts in the first month of school focus on counting and recognizing numbers from 0 to 30, with a special emphasis on understanding that teen numbers are made of 1 ten and some more. Students use a wide variety of models this month that will help them work in groups of 2, 5, and 10. Students review the concept of unitizing; that is, thinking of 10 items as a single unit called a ten.

Bridges Module 1-Unit 1-We are working to count and organize popsicle sticks. Students are practicing counting forwards and backwards by 1s, 2s, and 5s on the number line and then exploring simple counting patterns on a hundreds grid. They will also express personal preferences as data on a chart and discuss patterns in the data.

Social Studies

We will begin to focus on communities and how rules and laws keep us safe.

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