November 18, 2019

Hello everyone,

We are officially in our 2nd trimester! It is a pleasure being a teacher for the 5th graders. I am learning so much from them every day. Report cards will be sent home on Friday. Please keep in touch with any questions, comments, or concerns. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving after this week.


Ms. Crystal Hewitt

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

  • Unit 3: Place Value and Decimals

In this unit, students study skills and concepts related to place value, from reading, writing, and comparing decimals to rounding and examining the decimal patterns of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10. Students use their place value understanding to add and subtract decimals to hundredths.

  • Unit 3: Module 1

This module focuses on place value, with an emphasis on decimal numbers.

Math Homework

Monday– Home Connections page 41-42 (Finding Equivalent Expressions)

Tuesday– Student Book page 74 (Adding and Subtracting Decimals)

Wednesday– Student Book page 75 (What’s the Share?)

Thursday– Student Book page 78 (More Decimals Color & Order)

ELA (Journeys)-

Continue class unit on the novel ‘Wonder’, and work on the following:

  • Use strategies to determine the meaning of words ands phrases
  • Describe how point of view influences telling of a story
  • Cite text evidence that supports analysis of the text
  • Proficiently read and comprehend grade level literature

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes. Students are randomly asked to get a parent signature for reading on some nights.

A blog you might find interesting if you are looking for ways to motivate your child to read:

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 6: Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?

In this Mystery, students investigate the hypothesis that an asteroid impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs (and learn more about the food web).


  • The Holy Trinity

Faith Focus: What is the mystery of the Holy Trinity?

Key Concept: The Holy Trinity is the central belief of the Catholic Faith

Social Studies-

  • How and Why Europeans Came to the New World

Description: In a Social Studies Skill Builder, pairs take on the role of underwater archaeologists to examine objects from an explorer’s sunken ship and categorize them as navigation tools, motives for exploration, or new products from the Americas.

Essential Question: What did explorers take to and from the New World during the Age of Exploration?

Important Dates:

11/18- Art Docent Monthly Project

11/18 – 11/22 – Book Fair

11/18 – November Bdays free dress

11/22 – Report Cards

11/23 – 12/1 – Thanksgiving Break

Fifth Grade Week of November 4, 2019

Hello everyone,

In addition to what we are working on this week, students are also taking their STAR tests this week. I want to encourage them to sleep well and have breakfast. They will be working hard this week! Please e-mail me if you have any questions or comments!

Remember, on Friday students will be dismissed at noon, and there is no school on Monday.


Ms. Crystal Hewitt

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

  • Unit 2, Module 3: Common Denominators

Students compare ways they have used ratio tables to solve problems and discuss the operations that work in a ratio table. Students will solve addition and subtraction story problems using a variety of strategies, which they share and compare. They will make generalizations about finding common denominators to add and subtract fractions. The module ends with the Unit 2 Post-Assessment.

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

Continue class unit on the novel ‘Wonder’, and work on the following:

  • Use strategies to determine the meaning of words ands phrases
  • Describe how point of view influences telling of a story
  • Cite text evidence that supports analysis of the text
  • Proficiently read and comprehend grade level literature

Students will also work on writing an effective and accurate argumentative paper based on our readings.

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 5: Why do you have to clean a fish tank, but not a pond?

In this Mystery, students combine what they have learned about plants, animals, and decomposers to see how they interact in an ecosystem.


Students will reflect on their Service Learning, ‘Green Team’

Students will also recognize and express understanding of how Bible Stories apply to everyday life, and demonstrate understanding of ‘The Word of God’

Social Studies-

  • How and Why Europeans Came to the New World

Description: In a Social Studies Skill Builder, pairs take on the role of underwater archaeologists to examine objects from an explorer’s sunken ship and categorize them as navigation tools, motives for exploration, or new products from the Americas.

Essential Question: What did explorers take to and from the New World during the Age of Exploration?

Important Dates:

11/8 – Noon dismissal; Free Dress

11/11 – Veteran’s Day: NO SCHOOL, NO SHARE AND CARE

11/13 – Come Play in TK/K – admissions event, 8:30am

11/15 – End of 1st Trimester; Free Dress

11/17 – Family Mass

11/18 – 11/22 – Book Fair

11/18 – November Bdays free dress

11/18 – School Board Meeting 6:30pm

11/22 – Report Cards

11/23 – 12/1 – Thanksgiving Break

Fifth Grade Week of October 28, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

We will be taking a Fraction Checkpoint (assessment) on the addition and subtraction of fractions before beginning Unit 2 Module 3. In Module 3, students will compare the ways they have used ratio tables to solve problems, and discuss the operations that work in a ratio table. At the beginning of next week, students will end Module 3 with the Unit 2 Post-Assessment.

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

Continue class unit on the novel ‘Wonder’, and work on the following:

  • Use strategies to determine the meaning of words ands phrases
  • Describe how point of view influences telling of a story
  • Cite text evidence that supports analysis of the text
  • Proficiently read and comprehend grade level literature

We will also review story elements such as character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. Students will write their own halloween themed story, which they will edit and revise, and present to the class on Halloween.

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 4: Do worms really eat dirt?

In this Mystery, students discover the critical role earthworms play in decomposing dead material and releasing nutrients into the soil.


  • Chapter 3: The Holy Trinity

Lesson 1: To explore the mystery of faith

-Proclaim and discuss Psalm 25:4-5 (Make known to me your ways, Lord)

-Learn and discuss the story of Saint Augustine

  • Disciple Power: Wonder and Awe
  • Activity: Answer questions about the legend of Saint Augustine

Social Studies-

  • American Indians and Their Land

Description: In a Visual Discovery activity, students work in pairs, using maps and photographs to trace migration routes of the first Americans and to summarize how these groups adapted to different environments.

Essential Question: How did American Indians adapt to different environments in North America?

Important Dates:

Thursday, Oct. 31st – Halloween Parade (noon dismissal)

Friday, Nov. 1st – All Saints Day Mass

Friday, Nov. 8th – Noon Dismissal

Monday, Nov. 11th – Veteran’s Day Observed (no school)

Fifth Grade Week of October 20, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

Unit 2 Module 2- Here is a link which describes more on Unit 2 (Adding and Subtracting Fractions):

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

Unit 2 Lesson 1-2

We are transitioning out of Unit 2 Lesson 1 by reading a persuasive text that connects to “Old Yeller”, and practicing writing detailed paragraphs to describe an experience.

To honor National Bullying Prevention Day, we are also starting a class unit on the novel ‘Wonder’.

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 4: Do worms really eat dirt?

In this Mystery, students discover the critical role earthworms play in decomposing dead material and releasing nutrients into the soil.


  • Priesthood Sunday is on October 27th. We are creating a gift for Father Robert and Father Anthony.

Social Studies-

  • Geography of the U.S.

We will be studying and playing games to prepare for our Geography assessment this week.

Important Dates:

Monday, Oct. 21th– 5th Grade Diocesan Art Project

Wednesday, Oct. 23rd – Bullying Prevention Day – wear orange 

Thursday, Oct. 31st – Halloween Parade (noon dismissal)

Friday, Nov. 1st – All Saints Day Mass

Friday, Nov. 8th – Noon Dismissal

Monday, Nov. 11th – Veteran’s Day Observed (no school)

Week of October 14, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

Unit 2 Module 1- This module focuses on using money and clocks as models for adding and subtracting fractions. Using familiar units of money and time (quarters, dimes, nickels and halves, thirds, and quarters of hours) helps students figure out how to add and subtract fractions efficiently with and without finding common denominators. Students work with fractions, mixed numbers, and improper fractions.

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

Unit 2 Lesson 1

Students will be assessed on the following target skill: Cause and Effect

Students will be assessed on applying grade phonics/word analysis skills in decoding words

We will also begin Unit 2 Lesson 2

Students will predict what “Old Yeller” will be about, by thinking about the essential question: “How can dangerous situations bring people closer together?”

We will read and analyze the text, with the following objectives:

  • Compare and contrast characters in a work of fiction
  • Use text details to visualize characters and events

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 4: Do worms really eat dirt?

In this Mystery, students discover the critical role earthworms play in decomposing dead material and releasing nutrients into the soil.


Chapter 2: The Word of God


  • To discover the message of the New Testament and to decide on a response to the lesson on God’s Word
  • To discover that praying with the Bible is a form of meditation and to read and reflect on God’s Word

Social Studies-

  • Geography of the U.S.

We are practicing labeling the physical features of the U.S., as well as learning the U.S. regions

Important Dates:

Fifth Grade Week of October 7, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

Students will be given their Unit 1 Post Assessments back this week. We are beginning Module 1 Unit 2. In this unit, students add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, using a variety of strategies to find common denominators.

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

Unit 2 Lesson 1

Target Skill: Cause and Effect

As we read an informational text called, ‘Quest for the Tree Kangaroo’, students will identify and explain cause-and-effect relationships, ask questions, and use context clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar domain-specific words within a text.

Students will discuss the essential question: Why is it important to research and protect endangered animals?

Students will answer this question using text-evidence and their background knowledge

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 3: Where Do Fallen Leaves Go?

We will begin our experiment to see what helps mold grow, as well as what may hinder mold from growing. We will combine garden and science for this experiment.


  • Chapter 3: The Holy Trinity


1. The Holy Trinity is the central belief of the faith of the Church.

2. The mystery of the Trinity is most fully revealed in Jesus Christ.

3. We profess our belief in the Holy Trinity when we pray the Nicene Creed at Mass.

Social Studies-

  • Geography of the U.S.

We are practicing labeling the physical features of the U.S., as well as learning the U.S. regions

Important Dates:

  • October 8 – 11: Parent Teacher Conferences – noon dismissals
  • October 14: Holiday, no school –

Please See Weekly Newsletter for more important dates and announcements

Fifth Grade Week of September 30, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

We are reviewing Unit 1 in class and for homework, in preparation for our Unit 1 Post-Assessment this week

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

Unit 1 Lesson 4

We are practicing using text evidence to analyze texts.

Students will also be introduced to rhyme, rhythm, and pacing in poetry, and will create their own poem.

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 3: Where Do Fallen Leaves Go?

We will begin our experiment to see what helps mold grow, as well as what may hinder mold from growing. We will combine garden and science for this experiment.


  • Chapter 3: The Holy Trinity


1. The Holy Trinity is the central belief of the faith of the Church.

2. The mystery of the Trinity is most fully revealed in Jesus Christ.

3. We profess our belief in the Holy Trinity when we pray the Nicene Creed at Mass.

Social Studies-

  • Geography of the U.S.

We are practicing labeling the physical features of the U.S., as well as learning the U.S. regions

Important Dates:

Monday September 30: Students complete their first Art Docent Project. Their theme is ‘Artists Paint the City’.

Friday October 4: Students may bring their pet to school to be blessed by the priest.

Please See Weekly Newsletter for more important dates and announcements

Fifth Grade Week of September 23, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

Unit 1 Module 3

Unit 1 Module 4

Students continue to work on multi-digit multiplication strategies. We will review some of these strategies, and students will continue to demonstrate understanding through entrance and/or exit tickets.

We are transitioning to Module 4, which focuses on Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers & Decimals

Math Homework will be given every day this week.

ELA (Journeys)-

  • Unit 1 Lesson 3
  • Unit 1 Lesson 4

Students will be given an assessment for Unit 1 Lesson 3, which will focus on comparing/contrasting, idioms, and formal and informal language.

In Lesson 4, our reading will focus on the essential question, “How can being active in sports improve someone’s attitude?”

We will also work on writing a fictional narrative, which focuses on characters, setting, and plot. The plot will include a problem, sequence of events, and a solution to the problem.

ELA Homework will be given every day this week, including reading for 20 minutes.

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 3: Where Do Fallen Leaves Go?


  • Chapter 2: The Word of God

Goal: To learn about how to read, interpret, and revere Sacred Scripture

Social Studies-

  • Geography of the U.S. (Describing Water and Landforms)

Important Dates:

Monday Sept. 23rd: Free dress- September birthdays

Monday Sept. 30th: Grade 5 Art Docent Project

Please See Weekly Newsletter for more important dates and announcements

Fifth Grade Week of September 16, 2019

What we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

  • Unit 1 Module 3

In Module 3, students continue to work on multi-digit multiplication strategies. The class creates and adds to a Multiplication Strategies Poster. Students will take a checkpoint in Session 2 and in Session 4 learn a new Work Place, Beat the Calculator, in which they use efficient strategies to solve problems faster than a partner doing the same work on a calculator

Math Homework this week:

  • Monday- Piper’s Ping-Pong Team Home Connection
  • Tuesday- Sam’s Sewing Supplies Student Book
  • Wednesday- Student Strategies Home Connection

ELA (Journeys)-

  • Unit 1 Lesson 2
  • Unit 1 Lesson 3

We will finish Unit 1 Lesson 2 by reading a fairy tale, “The Princess and the Pea” to connect to “A Royal Mystery”. Students will also finish typing their final draft of their narratives.

In Unit 1 Lesson 3, we will begin with a Spelling Pretest using words with the long i and long o sounds, which will be practiced throughout the week and assessed on Friday.

We will begin reading the story, “Off and Running”. In addition to reading, comprehending, and analyzing the text, we will also focus on the essential question: Why is determination a good quality for a politician to have?

ELA Homework this week:

  • Monday: Long i and Long o Reader’s Notebook pg. 28
  • Tuesday: Spelling Word Sort Reader’s Notebook pg. 29
  • Wednesday: Proofreading for Spelling Reader’s Notebook pg. 30

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Web of Life Mystery 2: Matter Cycle, Food Chain; What Do Plants Eat?


  • Chapter 2: The Word of God

Goal: To learn about how to read, interpret, and revere Sacred Scripture

Social Studies-

  • Geography of the U.S. (What can geography teach us about the United States?)

Important Dates:

Thursday Sept. 19th: Students wear their Fun Fair t-Shirts to school free dress; Chess in Science lab 3:15-4:15

Sept. 20th: No School- Staff Development Day

Saturday Sept. 21st: Parish Fun Fair

Sunday Sept. 22nd: Pancake Breakfast and Family Mass

Monday Sept. 23rd: Free dress- September birthdays

Fifth Grade Week of September 9, 2019

Here is a look at what we are working on this week:

Math (Bridges)-

  • Unit 1 Module 2

We are continuing Module 2, Factors, Multiples & the Associative Property

Monday Math Homework: “Samantha’s Strategies” Home Connection

Tuesday Math Homework: “How Many Boxes?” Pg. 11 Student Book

Wednesday Math Homework: “Finding Factors” Home Connection

Thursday Math Homework: “Thinking About the Multiple Game” Pg. 14 Student Book

Friday Math Homework: No Homework

ELA (Journeys)-

  • Unit 1 Lesson 2

Student’s are introduced to new vocabulary before we read, “A Royal Mystery”. As we read, we will practice reading with fluency, analyzing the text, and focusing on the following:

  • Theme
  • Elements of Drama
  • Characterization

In Spelling, we are working with words that have the long a and long e sound. We are also revising and finalizing a short narrative that students started at the end of last week. The objective of their narrative is to write a short story that includes the following:

  • A main character
  • A problem the main character faces
  • A conclusion that includes the solution to the problem

The writing traits checklist includes:

  • Telling events clearly, using specific details
  • Organization (story structure)
  • Sentence fluency (complete sentences)
  • Word choice (using strong, active verbs and sensory details)
  • Voice (revealing the mood of the story)
  • Conventions (using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation)

Monday ELA Homework: “Long a and Long e” Spelling Homework pg. 16; Revise short narrative rough drafts

Tuesday ELA Homework: Spelling Word Sort pg. 17; Revise short narrative rough drafts

Wednesday ELA Homework: Finish rough draft- be ready to start typing your final draft, or have me check your finished rough draft; Grammar pg. 22

(To be continued….)

Science (Mystery Science)-

  • Mystery 1: Web of Life Mystery 1- Why Would a Hawk Move to New York City?


  • Continue to conclude chapter 1, and design a Wonders of Creation CD Cover
  • Begin Chapter 2 with this goal: To learn about how to read, interpret, and revere Sacred Scripture

Social Studies (TCi)-

  • Continue Geography of the U.S. (What can geography teach us about the United States?)