Faith Formation
The Children’s Faith Formation program of Saint Philip Neri-Saint Albert Parish helps children develop their faith in God and their understanding of the Catholic Church. We strive to build community by sharing our faith, strengthening family bonds, and promoting social justice. We actively live in peace as we celebrate our faith through worship and sacramental preparation, provide education for children and families, and share our gifts through giving public witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The catechetical process seeks to open children to the discovery of the goodness and beauty of God reflected in their world, and helps them grow to experience this world within the Catholic Christian community. It seeks to help them grow further in their faith, their understanding of our Catholic traditions, our unity in Christ, and the many gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Grounded in the Eucharist, we will support our children in the process of life-long faith formation. We strive to nurture, teach, and encourage ways to recognize and incorporate the presence of God into our daily life experiences.
For more information, please email Children’s Faith Formation, or telephone (510) 373-5218.