First Grade Weekly Update March 3rd-7th

Weekly Syllabus: March 3rd-7th, 2025


Wednesday, March 5th is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. We will have an all school mass on this day @ 9:30. All are welcome to attend!

Please check out the Enrichment classes Newsletter for January/February

January/February 2025 Enrichment Newsletter.


We will be reflecting on the Stations of the Cross and working on our Lent Lapbooks.

Language Arts

Unit 11 Lessons 6-10

Word Work: Decode long vowel trickers, read and decode a story with long vowel trickers, recognize spelling patterns for long vowel trickers, spell memory words (their, now, always, because, and been), understand and use synonyms, and understand and use “try short, try long” strategies.

Spelling Words: paper, even, silent, open, super, their, now, always, because, and been

Reading: Develop fluent reading with repeated readings of a story, read with appropriate stress, identify main idea and retell key details, give support of an opinion, compare and contrast two reader stories, identify topic of informational text, and discuss the main ideas and details of an informational text.

Writing: Opinion Writing


Number Corner for March: The March Calendar Grid features telling time to the hour and half-hour on both digital and analog clocks, and students explore elapsed time as they determine the time between each marker. Coins return to the Calendar Collector, and students practice counting mixed sets of dimes, nickels, and pennies to determine their total value. This month they review strategies for solving equations within 20 and learn how to “think ten” when adding numbers with sums greater than 10. The Number Line and Days in School workouts both introduce students to numbers beyond 100.

Bridges Unit 5 Module 3: After a project in which students create nine-patch mini-quilts by composing square quilt blocks into a larger squares, the focus shifts to fractions. Students fold and cut paper to decompose shapes and play a bingo game to explore halves, fourths, and thirds.

Social Studies

We will begin our unit on American Symbols. Students will learn about symbols on stamps, the Liberty Bell, the Bald Eagle, Landmarks as symbols, The White House, Mt. Rushmore, The American Flag, and the Statue of Liberty.

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