First Grade Weekly Update February 24th-28th

Weekly Syllabus: February 24th-28th, 2025


Full Week!

Sunday, March 2nd is our Family Mass at St. Philip Neri Church @ 9:00 hosted by the 1st and 2nd grade classes. All are welcome to attend.


Virtue of the month: Perseverance-perseverance falls under the category of Fortitude.

Perseverance means taking the steps necessary to carry out objectives in spite of difficulties. Keep going and don’t give up.

Saints associated with perseverance are St. Peter the Apostle, St Maria Venegas de la Torre, and St. Monica.

Chapter 10 Signs of God’s Love. Students will explore how we can be lights in the world for others, discover the Sacraments and the effect of the Sacraments of Baptism, and decide how we can a light in the world with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Language Arts

Unit 11 Lessons 1-5

Word Work: Decode/encode and recognize spelling patterns for contractions with pronouns, decode homophones (it’s its, their there, you’re your), and recognize and spell memory words (their, now, always, because, and been).

Spelling Words: I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, I’ll, he’ll, she’ll, and you’ll

Reading: Develop fluent reading with repeated reading of a story, read a story with appropriate volume, read and discuss a grade-level literary and informational text, identify the lessons a story teaches, recognize problem and solution, and identify the main topic and key details of a literary and informational text.

Writing: Answer questions about a text using story evidence.

Author Study: Ezra Jack Keats


February Number Corner: The arrival of the tenth decade, the 100th day of school, makes February an exciting month. Both the Days in School and Number Line workouts pay tribute to this special number. The Computational Fluency workout brings focus on multiple addends, and students use a variety of efficient strategies to compose groups flexibly. In addition to the numeration work, students name and describe pairs of two-dimensional shapes shown on the Calendar Grid markers and determine whether or not the shapes in each pair are congruent.

We will begin Bridges Unit 5 Module 1: Module 1 focuses completely on two‑dimensional shapes, particularly those found in the pat‑ tern blocks (triangles, trapezoids, squares, hexagons, and rhombuses), plus rectangles. The work with shapes includes comparing, distinguishing defining attributes from non-defining, and developing problem-solving strategies. Students use pattern blocks to create composite shapes and solve puzzles, and practice drawing the shapes each day.

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