Second Grade Update – Week of 2/17
Dear Second Grade Families,
Happy Friday!
This week, students enjoyed many treats and special events. Thank you to Mrs. Valenzuela and Mr. Weesner for leading students in creating windchimes during their Valentine’s party! And thank you to parents who donated delicious treats!:)
We also welcomed the Alameda Free Library’s new librarian, Ms. Alice for a read-aloud and freedom quilt craft. She deepened students’ understanding of the Underground Railroad, and we learned that quilt squares were often designed as codes, sharing information to keep travelers safe as they journeyed to freedom.
As many students approach their First Reconciliation, we also reflected on what it means to forgive and be forgiven. We discussed that God will always forgive us and that it’s important to be thoughtful and sincere when making things right with both God and people in our lives.
Over the next two weeks, students will complete another round of STAR assessments (reading next Friday, 2/21 and math on Tuesday, 2/25). Please make sure your child has good rest and a good breakfast. While STAR is only one point of information, I want them to be able to give their best effort. Thank you for your support!
Focus Areas for Our Learning Next Week:
- Reading –
- In reading groups, students will continue their book clubs. As we near the end of their texts, we think about the culminating action in the plot and how stories find resolution. As always, there is a focus on speaking and listening skills as we work together in a small group.
- At night, students should read aloud to practice fluent reading skills. Please encourage your child to observe punctuation, read at a good pace, and read the words as they appear in the text (no deletions or substitutions).
- Grammar/Spelling – In Superkids, students practice letter-sound correspondences for a-/ŭ/,-en/ŭn/, and -on/ŭn/ (ex. above, happen, ribbon). We will also revisit contractions with pronouns. Students should practice their spelling words for homework so they are prepared for the quiz on Friday.
- Writing – Over the next two weeks, students will use their story plans to draft their descriptive narratives. They will focus on writing clearly and connecting their ideas to ensure the reader understands what’s going on in their story. It can be challenging to remember that your reader doesn’t have the “inside scoop” like you do as the writer and creator! 🙂
- Math – The class will focus on fluency using money. Students will practice adding coins, dollars, and using money in word problems. We will also revisit three-digit place value concepts.
- Religion – We will finish our chapter about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In Family Life, we will review our unit about God’s Gift of Family – the value of all families, sharing our faith, and how good rules help us to be healthy and happy.
- Social Studies – Students will complete an assessment to finish our unit about our nation’s history. We will also continue to celebrate Black History Month with a focus on the Sit-In and photographer Gordon Parks.
- Science – We will review our unit about material properties and prepare for an assessment. Next up, plants and their adaptations!
Other Updates for this Week:
- AR Reading – Just a reminder – I am encouraging all students to use their AR book for their homework reading time (15 minutes each afternoon/evening). All students should be working to meet their goal – one chapter book every two weeks or one picture book every week.
- Dates to Remember:
- Monday, Feb. 17 – No School, Presidents’ Day
- Tuesday, Feb. 18 – Free Dress February B-Days
- Friday, Feb. 21 – STAR Reading
- Tuesday, Feb. 25 – STAR Math
- Friday, Feb. 28 – End of Trimester 2
- Sunday, Mar. 2 – Family Mass hosted by 1st and 2nd grades
- Wednesday, Mar. 5 – Ash Wednesday, All School Mass, 9:30
- Thursday, Mar. 6 – Special Free Dress: Dress like a pirate!
- Friday, Mar. 7 – Report Cards Distributed
- Saturday, Mar. 15 – Annual Auction!
- Tuesday, Mar. 18 – Free Dress March B-Days
- Monday, Mar. 31 – Cesar Chavez Day, No School, No Share and Care
Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend, and we look forward to seeing our students on Tuesday!
All the best,