First Grade Weekly Update February 10th-14th
Weekly Syllabus: February 10th-14th, 2025
Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Friday, February 14th. Students can bring in their Valentines to pass out to their classmates.
Friday, February 14th is also a half day. Noon dismissal and no school on Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents’ Day. No Share and Care today.
Virtue of the month: Perseverance-perseverance falls under the category of Fortitude.
Perseverance means taking the steps necessary to carry out objectives in spite of difficulties. Keep going and don’t give up.
Saints associated with perseverance are St. Peter the Apostle, St Maria Venegas de la Torre, and St. Monica.
Chapter 9 The Church Celebrates Jesus. Students will explore how families celebrate Jesus, learn about the church year and Advent, learn about the seasons of Christmas, Lent, and Easter, decide ways to celebrate Jesus all year long, and pray a prayer to praise God.
Language Arts
Unit 10 Lessons 1-5
Word Work: Associate y with /ī/, associate y with /ē/, distinguish between y/ī/ and y/ē/, associate ay with /ā/, Memory Words (down, too, work, many, and first), and -y as an ending for adjectives.
Spelling Words: by, fly, cry, try, belly, jelly, smelly, bunny, funny, and sunny
Reading: Fluency practice with a literary text, Words to Know (produce, plenty. disturb), identify sequence of events, identify setting, recognize text features, make predictions, understand main idea and key details, and draw conclusions.
Writing: Explanatory Writing: How to…
Author Study: Ezra Jack Keats
February Number Corner: The arrival of the tenth decade, the 100th day of school, makes February an exciting month. Both the Days in School and Number Line workouts pay tribute to this special number. The Computational Fluency workout brings focus on multiple addends, and students use a variety of efficient strategies to compose groups flexibly. In addition to the numeration work, students name and describe pairs of two-dimensional shapes shown on the Calendar Grid markers and determine whether or not the shapes in each pair are congruent.
Bridges Unit 4 Module 3: The third module continues to develop students’ conceptual understanding of our number system through explorations with open and closed number lines. In particular, it focuses on skip-jumps along the number line in multiples of 5 and 10. Students have fun guiding frogs that hop over stones and lily pads, racing along number lines both forward and backward in distances of 1, 5, and 10, and develop confidence adding and subtracting in multiples of 5 and 10 both on and off the decade.