First Grade Weekly Update November 18th-22nd

Weekly Syllabus: November 18th-22nd, 2024


Monday, November 18th-Saint Reports are due

Tuesday, November 19th Free Dress for everyone and Pizza Lunch

Wednesday, November 19th is November Birthday Free Dress

Wednesday, November 20th is a noon dismissal for Professional Development

Thanksgiving Break is the week of November 25th-29th. School resumes on Monday, December 2nd.

In the homework folder there is an activity for the Advent Season. We will begin to put the ornaments on our tree on the hallway bulletin board starting on the 1st. You can begin thinking about and filling in your ornaments during the Thanksgiving break. This is meant to be done for all of Advent. You do not need to fill in all of the ornaments in one weekend.

Sunday, December 1st is the first day of Advent.


We will finish Chapter 6 Jesus Shares God’s Love-Students will explore how we share God’s love with others, discover the ways Jesus showed his love for us and that Jesus was raised from the dead and gave us all new life, and that we are all called to share God’s love with others as Jesus did.

Language Arts

Unit 5 Lessons 6-10

Word Work: Read and decode words with ing and ed endings, decode words from an informational text, use and spell Memory Words (there, from, be, we, on, and to), encode verbs with final ck adding ing and ed, understand and use adjectives, and use conjunctions or and and.

Spelling Words: flipping, flipped, stepping, stepped, there, from, be, to, we, and or

Reading: Develop fluent reading with repeated readings of a story, read words with endings accurately, read and discuss grade level informational text, describe problem and solution, cause and effect, and characters, determine the meaning of key vocabulary words and phrases (yapped, zigged, zagged, yuck, and track), and use words to know (wonder, curious, discover, and imagine).

Writing: Brainstorm to generate adjectives, write descriptive details, write a description of a creature, use descriptions to identify creatures, record sensory details about a place, and draw and write a description of a place.


Number Corner

The workouts for December continue to focus on many of the concepts introduced in November. Students complete their collection of 24 hours and learn how each day is divided into two equal parts, a.m. and p.m. They expand their exploration of doubles and halves to include numbers to 20 and become even more familiar with counting patterns as they work with the fifties and sixties and place value. The Calendar Grid features familiar items and a growing pattern of three-dimensional shapes such as cylinders, spheres, cubes, and rectangular prisms.

The focus for Bridges Unit 3 Module 1: Module 1 focuses on single-digit number facts. Each of the three Work Place activities introduced is designed to encourage facility with number fact families, including doubles relationships. The number rack is used strategically throughout as a tool to model addition story problems. It also plays an important role in helping students conceptualize the difference between even and odd numbers and understand how knowing the nature of even and odd numbers can help solve addition problems.

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