
Program Description

Saint Philip Neri Preschool follows our TK-8th grade school schedule, running from August – June.  In our program, all areas of a child’s development—cognitive, linguistic, social, physical, creative – are addressed through developmentally appropriate play activities. Our Emergent Curriculum focuses on being responsive to children’s interests to create meaningful learning experiences.  We also focus on children’s Faith Formation—the process by which they come to know God who is within them. Here are a few activities the children will be enjoying:

  • Play Based Learning
  • Jr. STEM
  • Dramatic Play
  • Exploration and Discovery
  • Learning Self Help Skills
  • Art

Registration Fee: $400 per child

Tuition per child: $14,500

Admissions Criteria

  • Applicants must be 3 years old by August 1st of enrollment year
  • Applicants must be fully potty trained

How to Apply

1. Email or call the Main School Office at (510) 521-0787 to be placed on the interest list.

2. Applications will be emailed to interested families and an application fee of $35.00 collected.

3. Families will be notified of acceptance starting the end of February.  A registration fee of $400 will be required to hold your spot.

Acceptance Priority

Students will be accepted in the following order:

  1. Students with siblings in Saint Philip Neri TK – 8th grade school
  2. Students of families who are active parishioners at St. Philip Neri/St. Albert the Great
  3. Students who are Catholic
  4. Students who are children of Saint Philip Neri Alumni
  5. Other                                                                             

Preschool Handbook

Grace Gordillo-Beatty
Preschool Director
(510) 521-0787